Tuesday, October 31, 2017

The next President of the United States

Hillary Clinton won the popular vote in 2016 by a pretty substantial majority, but lost the electoral college. Trump is doing a remarkable job of making himself into the least popular president of all time, so it seems like the next election would be for the Democrats to lose. If that's the case, then the important question is "How do we not screw this up?" A Democratic candidate could hold on to the firm majorities that already support the party and gain the support of disaffected former Republicans to carry states Clinton lost such as Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and North Carolina.

To hold Democratic gains while earning the support of reasonable former Republican voters, a Democrat would have to remind people outside the party of what they like about Democrats.  At the same time, the person needs enough "bona fides" in liberal circles to prevent another Ralph Nader fiasco. (A digression: No matter who the leading Democratic candidate is, there will be a significant challenger who hangs in and gets certain people excited about the election. That's almost a necessary product of the party structure and nominating process. Its very presence creates this vacuum for at least one other candidate. This person and her movement will not mean anything - during or after the election. Not Bill Bradley, not Howard Dean, not Bernie Sanders. They all don't mean anything, didn't show anything, and won't change anything. They're all by-product.)

So where do we find a candidate with a real track record, who is known as a moderate to those outside the party but has enough of a liberal reputation within the party? It would help if it were someone with business experience, and it would help even more if it were someone whose experience was in the kind of business people look up to.

Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present a long-term member of the board of directors of one of America's two most admired companies, a successful media and investment entrepreneur, perhaps the best known environmental campaigner on the planet and someone whose career and reputation are closely tied to the successes of the Clinton years but removed from their scandals.

Your next President of the United States: Al Gore.

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